
Students in grades 6-12 that commit the most serious infractions of the Code of Student Conduct (Levels III, IV, and V) may be recommended for expulsion and will be placed in the Pathways Program during the time which would have traditionally resulted in a ten (10) day outdoor suspension during the expulsion process. Students will receive academic support, in-house counseling, and wrap-around services from community agencies.
There are currently two (2) locations for the Pathways Program at the following locations:
- Jan Mann Educational Center-16101 NW 44 Court, Miami Gardens, FL 33054
- Miami MacArthur Educational Center-13990 SW 264 Street, Homestead, FL 3303
Educational Centers
The educational centers serve students in grades 6-12. The traditional schools refer students for serious violations of the District’s discipline plan, The Code of Student Conduct. The Division of Educational Opportunity and Access reviews recommendations and assigns students, as permissible by law, for a specified period.
There are currently two (2) educational centers at the following locations:
- Jan Mann Educational Center-16101 NW 44 Court, Miami Gardens, FL 33054
- Miami MacArthur Educational Center-13990 SW 264 Street, Homestead, FL 33032
In addition, the District provides instructional services via Alternative Education Virtual School (AEVS), on a limited basis, to students in grades 6-12 who have been removed from an alternative or traditional school. This program operates out of Jan Mann Educational Center and Miami MacArthur Educational Center.
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