Welcome to the Division of Educational Opportunity and Access (DEOA)!
The Division of Educational Opportunity and Access (DEOA) embraces a comprehensive approach to meet the personalized needs of students and address the root causes of student misbehavior while assisting with the emotional, social, health, personal, and career development of all students. Throughout the District, the paradigm has shifted to “rethink discipline” and address student issues by providing opportunities for students to learn new skills. In addition, DEOA provides access to a continuum of prevention programs, interventions, supports, and alternatives.
Through a proactive approach, intensive interventions based on Early Warning Indicators (EWI) are provided to at-risk youth to increase student learning, attendance, graduation, and successful transition into adulthood. Within our Division of Educational Opportunity and Access, we have two alternative high schools for students recommended for expulsion and chronic disciplinary concerns. In the upcoming year, there will be a third alternative education center opened and the grade configuration at all three sites will be expanded to accommodate elementary aged students who violate specific infractions of the Code of Student Conduct. Additionally, this office is responsible for the oversight of programs under the Department of Juvenile Justice, dropout retrieval programs and programs for students seeking an alternative to the traditional school setting.
The Secondary Student Success Center is one of the many programs under the umbrella of DEOA. This program touts a blended model of blended model of small group instruction and computer-based learning for middle school students who need to recover coursework to meet the necessary requirements to be on the track to high school graduation.
This office also supervises The Teenage Parent (TAP) Program, which is a comprehensive dropout prevention program designed to provide educational and ancillary services to pregnant and parenting students enrolled in M-DCPS. Services are available at all M-DCPS schools, including specialized educational centers, outreach locations, and charter schools. The program offers a specialized curriculum, referrals to healthcare providers and social services agencies, childcare during school hours, and transportation. TAP is a voluntary program governed by Florida Statutes and is available to all teenage parents who desire to work toward a high school diploma.
Also, under the auspices of the Division of Educational Opportunity and Access is the 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project, which is an in-school dropout prevention and mentoring program for minority boys “at risk” of dropping out of school. The program serves students ages 9-19 in 122 schools across the District. When students enter the program, they are guaranteed an opportunity to attend college or advance through an array of post-secondary opportunities geared toward the next level of post-secondary education and employment.
- Eliminate traditional outdoor suspension by providing an alternative to suspension services
- Utilize transition services in order to provide educational advisement
- Provide strategic mentorship opportunities for targeted At-Risk Youth
- Enhance innovative options that serve off-track students
- Create community partnerships by collaborating with specific agencies