Non-Disciplinary Schools and Programs

Cope Center North
A school of choice for expectant and parenting teens and their children and our school’s philosophy is based on providing Continuing Opportunities for a Purposeful Education (C.O.P.E). The program addresses the educational, social, and medical needs of our teen parents and their children.

Dorothy M. Wallace Cope Center
A school of choice for expectant and parenting teens and their children and our school’s philosophy is based on providing Continuing Opportunities for a Purposeful Education (C.O.P.E). The program addresses the educational, social, and medical needs of our teen parents and their children.

Dr. Marvin Dunn Academy for Community Education
Academy for Community Education strives daily to reach every student so that all may become innovative, critical thinkers that collaborate effectively and compete successfully in the global community. It is through education that we as individuals are entitled the chance to move upward in society, maintain self and family, and obtain the skills needed to be productive citizens in the global community.